+373 69 838 138


Octavian Mosin, Priest

Six years ago, we completed this church by virtue of “Speranta vietii” organization t...

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Six years ago, we completed this church by virtue of “Speranta vietii” organization t...

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Eduard Proaspat, “Certmatcon” expert, Head of division in “Inmacon proiect” SRL, Lecturer “DMMC”

2 mm plates were installed on 2 cm concrete base. Coefficient of heat transmission for concrete i...

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2 mm plates were installed on 2 cm concrete base. Coefficient of heat transmission for concrete i...

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Chief Technology Officer in “Diplomat Club Hotel”

…From 4 to 9 percent savings for space heating during winter period!

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…From 4 to 9 percent savings for space heating during winter period!

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Boris Zuckerblatt

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Associate of the Academy of Sciences of ...

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Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Associate of the Academy of Sciences of ...

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