Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Associate of the Academy of Sciences of ...
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Associate of the Academy of Sciences of ...
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Associate of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Laureate of state prize of Moldova in Science and Technology, Professor in Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel.
2 mm plates were installed on 2 cm concrete base. Coefficient of heat transmission for concrete i...
2 mm plates were installed on 2 cm concrete base. Coefficient of heat transmission for concrete i...
2 mm plates were installed on 2 cm concrete base. Coefficient of heat transmission for concrete is 1,4 W/mK and for Smart Stone plates installed on the concrete base is only 0,18 W/mK proving that Smart Stone technology increases the insulation characteristics of concrete 10 times.